Aboriginal Studies

Youth HSC resources Aboriginal studies Aboriginal flag

Library resources

The library has a useful collection of titles on Aboriginal Australia that can be found in non-fiction sections 305.8991 and 994.6

These include:

  • Issues In Society journals: Stolen Generation, Indigenous Australians and the law, Native Title, health (300.994/ISS)
  • Macquarie Atlas of Indigenous Australia (R305.89915)
  • Indigenous health: power, politics and citizenship Dominic O’Sullivan (362.849/OSU)
  • Encyclopaedia of Aboriginal Australia David Horton (R994.00499)


Online resources

Charles Sturt Uni HSIE info

Resources, information and advice, that will help you prepare for your HSC.

NSW Education Standards Authority Aboriginal Studies Syllabus

Full course description and sample exam papers.

Aboriginal Studies Association

Resources built by teachers that may contain errors/statements not universally agreed upon (use with some caution).

Australian Institute on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies 

Research organisation promoting knowledge and understanding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures, traditions, languages and stories, past and present.

National Native Title Tribunal

Legislation, land use agreements, native title claims, and more.

Aboriginal Languages Australia 

Annotated resources for Aboriginal languages.

Multicultural Australia

One of Australia's leading sources of quality educational resources on multiculturalism.

Australian Bureau of Statistics

Useful demographic statistics about Indigenous populations.

The State Library of NSW

Access a huge range of free databases using your Kiama Library member number, including: Australasian Literature: Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific IslandsInformit Indigenous Collection and the Aboriginal studies WWW Virtual Library.

The National Library of Australia

Access an extensive range of free databases and e-resources, including Trove, with over 500 million Australian and online resources: books, images, newspapers, maps, archives and more.