Kiama Stories: Oral histories
Kiama Library has a unique collection of memories and stories recorded in oral history interviews with long-time Kiama area residents. They include stories of what it was like to live, work and socialise in the Kiama area in earlier times, and how the landscape and environment has changed over the decades.
You can listen to these stories on our Explore Kiama's Past local history database.
Better still, why not help us edit transcriptions for accuracy while you listen, on our Amplify oral history platform?

We are now using Amplify to transcribe these important stories into a readable format to help make them more accessible.
Amplify is an online tool developed by the State Library of NSW that automatically transcribes audio collections. The transcripts are then edited by you, the public, to improve their accuracy.
Correcting computer-generated transcripts is a community effort and you can help to improve the quality of each transcript by correcting just a single line (or every line!) in an audio recording - every bit counts! If you spot an error in a transcription, just click the line and correct it. Not only are you helping us to create a more accurate collection, you will also enjoy listening to some interesting local stories and memories.
If you would like to participate in this project and would like some help to get started, call the Information Services Librarian at Kiama Library on (02) 4233 1133 or email or