Shelf-help for kids

Kids Shelf Help

If you need help finding your next great read or are looking for books in other languages, look no further than our Shelf-help section.

Find new authors in your favourite genre or ask for a personalised suggestion from one of our knowledgeable librarians.   

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Web links

Australia Reads (for school kids)

Australia Reads

Book lists of award-winning Australian books especially for school kids, organised according to class year. Click on the book covers and explore!

Better Reading (kids and YA)

Better Reading (kids and YA)

An Australian-based site with reviews, lists (according to age and theme), feature articles, podcasts and more.

Growing book by book

Growing book by book

A US-based site designed to nurture young readers - age and theme-based book lists, and advice for engaging kids. 

Brightly: Raise kids who love to read


Get book recommendations, tips and advice, and more, tailored to your child's age (0-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12, 13+).

Reading lists organised according to age and theme.


Reading Rockets

Reading Rockets

US-based site with themed book lists for kids aged 0-12, as well as tips for struggling readers, information about popular authors, and more.


Fantastic Fiction (children and YA)

Fantastic Fiction (children and YA)

Fantastic Fiction is an online catalogue of authors and books, with lists of popular kids and YA authors, and genre lists.

Who next ... ? A guide to children's authors

Who next ... ? A guide to children's authors

When kids ask: 'Who can I read next?' or 'Who writes like my favourite author?', the answers are here! Writers of children’s fiction are listed with suggestions of other authors who write in a similar way, together with key book and series titles.


  • in four age groups: 5-7, 8-11, 12-14 and 14+
  • by genre and theme
  • graphic novels, read out loud titles, short stories and titles for dyslexic or struggling readers
  • prize-winning children’s books
  • by country of birth of authors
  • other useful links

Goodreads (kids books)

Goodreads (kids books)

Find and read more books you'll love, and keep track of the books you want to read. Be part of the world's largest community of book lovers. 

Goodreads is an American social cataloguing website that allows individuals to search its database of books, annotations, quotes and reviews. Users can sign up and register books to generate library catalogues and reading lists.