Clearing the coast

The Kiama area was once dominated by a vast rainforest known as the Long Brush. Around Werri Lagoon the rainforest gave way to large stands of swamp oak. It must have been an extraordinary place, with its impressive trees and abundant wildlife.

I found myself as it were . . . in the midst of a scene of nature which surpassed all I had seen before in luxuriant beauty and wildness and the almost tropical novelty of the forms of the plants.


By the time the cedar-getters arrived in the Kiama area in 1815, the local Aboriginal people would have been aware of the impending changes to their way of life. They had excellent communication networks with Aboriginal groups in Sydney and they had already encountered explorers and escaped convicts in the area. Strange and deadly diseases would have already arrived and the spread of the destruction of the bushland was certainly feared.

As land grants were taken up, the traditional owners were forced from their lands. Before long the magnificent forests were cleared to provide timber for the new colony, expose the volcanic soils for crops such as potatoes and wheat, and clear the way for dairy farms.

Along the walk you may be reminded of days past, or you may just enjoy the rolling hills, boulder beaches, sea caves, rock platforms and exposed cliffs that create the dramatic scenery. From May to June and September to November , the walk provides great vantage points for whale watching.

This plaque is 1 of many found around the district. The plaques describe the history of their locations. They were commissioned by Kiama Council in 2009.

If you had seen them around, you are welcome to have a look at the collection of plaques in the district.