Next date: Thursday, 03 April 2025 | 02:00 PM to 04:00 PM
Our knitting group meets once a month at Kiama Library, on the first Thursday of the month.
Come along to get help with your stitches, your Wrap with Love squares or just to knit among friends.
Everyone welcome, no experience necessary.
Talk to our local Wrap With Love organiser about the Wrap With Love program, and get supplies for your wrap with love squares.
No need to book, just drop in.
Kiama Library, 7 Railway Parade, Kiama, 2533, View Map
7 Railway Parade , Kiama 2533
With the generous and enthusiastic support of our many knitters, Wrap With Love wraps more than 30,000 people with love and warmth each year, in Australia and around the World.